First Day of Kindergarten 2015
My first born is in kindergarten. I can't believe it. Where did my little boy go? I of course was an absolute mess. It's been a stressful week for me. I'm sure they'll be another post shortly, but not only did Ty start kindergarten this week, he tried out for the YMCA swim team (a year early). Ty's been fearless through it all, facing his new endeavors like a champ. Ty is going to 1/2 kindergarten; then attending an outdoors enrichment and afterschool program with a local organization called the Kids Kampus Corp. It's a nature based program where Ty will get to learn and play outdoors. I heard they were supposed to go swimming this afternoon....I can't wait to hear about it. We are working on the dilly dallying in the morning (which he gets from his father) and getting into our new regime (making lunches and early bedtimes), but Tyler seemed more excited than anything. He was raring to go this morning. Jumped on the bus and said goodbye with no qualms. As Jon said to me... this is what we are preparing him for. To go into the world, be brave, learn, and make smart decisions. It's hard to let go of the little baby, but I'm looking forward to the future. God please watch over them. I am so proud of you Ty. XOXOXOX
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