The Greatest Show on Earth

Posted on October 14, 2012 @ 09:25 am by wendy

On October 13,2012 Tyler went to his first circus performance and overall a great time was had by all. Some families around us had to leave because there kids were too overwhelmed and I can understand why. There was soo much going on. The circus is that ultimate kid fantasy right... and what parent wouldn't want to let their kid soak (or perhaps I should say $oak) it all up for the two hours you are there. As Jon reminded me, this wasn't the place for the dried fruit, granola bars, and apple juice mixed with water that I brought in. This is the place of shaved ice, popcorn, big hats, clown glasses, and flashing lights.

We went to the preshow on the floor before hand and Tyler got to see the jugglers, clowns, and elephants up close (the pictures below of Ty all excited were taken when the elephant came out). Then it was on to the show. I have to say Ty was most enthralled with the Elephants, but the Tigers and clowns caught his attention too. There were a couple of performances that were a bit over Ty's head (the tight rope and cage walkers) but when he wasn't interested Ty simply entertained himself. Finished the night up eating at Vellos in Westwood where we had some great food and good conversation with the family sitting next to us. I don't tweet but if I did, perhaps the hash tag for this day would have been #AWESOME# (is that how you do it?).